JO d'hiver de Pékin : Washington annonce un boycott diplomatique, une "fanfaronnade" selon la Chine
L’Europe et les alliés attendus
Appels au boycott complet
A diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games sends the right message to the CCP without punishing U.S. athletes. Never again must the @Olympics be awarded to a nation which commits genocide and so blatantly violates the human rights of its own citizens.
— Senator Mitt Romney (@SenatorRomney) December 6, 2021
A diplomatic boycott of the #Olympics is not enough. The CCP doesn’t give a rip about a diplomatic boycott, because at the end of the day, they are still hosting the world’s athletes. Joe Biden needs to stand up to the CCP. #BoycottBeijingOlympics
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) December 6, 2021
Le CIO se réjouit d’une « décision purement politique »
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